"I hate wrong-siders." ― Chapter 1
Takuru Miyashiro (宮代 拓留, Miyashiro Takuru), often nicknamed Taku by Serika Onoe, the main protagonist of Chaos;Child. He is the president of the Hekiho Academy Newspaper Club who investigates the Return of the New Generation Madness along with Shinji Itou and Serika throughout the story.
Takuru is a lanky pale-skinned teenager with dark blue hair, purple eyes and a sharp chin.
He wears black oval-shaped glasses and is usually seen in his school uniform with a necktie and a watch. Because Takuru live in the camping van in Miyashita Park by himself, Takuru's other outfits besides his school uniform are rarely seen.
Throughout most of the story Takuru suffered from Chaos Child Syndrome which made him appear wrinkled. However, the audience was not made aware of this element of his appearance until the Silent Sky Ending. Before then Takuru was portrayed as a normal high school student without wrinkles. However, according to the novel ChäoS;Child ~Children's Revive~, which depicts the story after the Silent Sky Ending, those who recovered from Chaos Child Syndrome may seem older than their actual age.
Takuru is an introverted, coward, arrogant and eccentric individual who is a self-proclaimed "Right-Sider" as opposed to the many wrong-siders who surround him, yetcalls himself a "normie" (a person who holds common beliefs, tastes and behavior patterns, yet by Takuru's definition, is a person who feels accomplished, and does what they love doing). This is largely due to him trying to stand out from the rest and feel special by having a meaning and purpose. His hobbies and behavior can be easily distinguished from those of a standard high schooler, making Itou find his idea of a "normie" to be weird.
As a "Right-Sider", Takuru finds joy by aiming to be superior than those who are naive by fulfilling his unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Takuru engages in filming, investigation and journalism in the Newspaper Club.
Takuru constantly tries to hide his true thoughts and feelings but can be easily seen through, which later on becomes one of the main reasons to why Hinae Arimura wants to befriend him.
in his delusions, he tends to dive into temptation. However, he seems to have discipline, good morals and ethics and never actually acts on his sexual, or violent desires. He leads an unhealthy lifestyle, choosing to eat or drink unhealthily, and avoids work involving physical effort.
Takuru often suffers from delusions during certain situations. Most of his delusions are either unpleasant or fairly erotic depending on what the player triggers in the current situation.
Unable to forgive Nono Kurusu and Wataru Sakuma after discovering they had lied to him about his parents' fate, he moves outside the Aoba Dorm to Miyashita Park, and from then on refuses to address Nono by her first name, claiming to not be her family. Ignoring Nono's many warnings, he keeps secretly investigating the Return of the New Generation Madness, due to his curious, selfish nature.
He can act socially inept at times, and tries to avoid too much attention, running away and/or becoming speechless when he gets too nervous. He always tries to hide or quickly apologize to Kurusu whenever she gets mad at him.

Takuru's parents
Takuru was born in May 21st, 1997 to two married parents. At childhood, he does not get much attention and care from his parents, who both spend most of their time working, and uses most of his free time alone alone at their apartment, browsing the web and delving into various topics.
He often receives money from his parents for buying food, and one time, on his birthday, gets a gift card instead of an actual present. As a result of constantly browsing the web, he eventually discovers that he had been a subject of child neglect.
He meets a young girl, about one year younger than him, Serika Onoe, who lives at the neighboring apartment. Takuru and Serika spend most of their free time together, researching mysteries and going on misadventures to find out the truth behind urban legends, leading to them having a great interest and curiosity in the developing case of The New Generation Madness. They follow the case very closely, constantly checking for new updates on the development of the case and researching about it.
In November 6th, 2009, the Shibuya Earthquake occurs while Takuru and Serika are together, causing Serika to pass out. Takuru subsequently carries her to the AH general hospital, hoping she would get treatment there. After the events of the Earthquake, Takuru enters a coma. Having lost both his parents, supposedly due to the earthquake, he is adopted, while still in a coma, by the Aoba Dorm, a combined foster home and medical clinic run by Wataru Sakuma and is put into Kurusu Nono's care during his coma state.
He wakes up after more than a year after entering his coma, and becomes family with Kurusu, Yui, Yuto and Sakuma, still remaining in full contact with Serika, who has been often times visiting him during his coma. He skips most of middle school as a result of the duration of his comatose.
After having lived peacefully at the Aoba Dorm for about 5 years, he tragically discovers he had been lied to by Sakuma and Kurusu; as opposed to dying by the destruction of the earthquake, his parents had both been murdered, around the same time of the rumbling. Takuru, feeling betrayed, runs away from the dorm, and moves to Miyashita Park, a park constituting a living space for the homeless. With the help of Gen, a homeless drunk who claims to be rich and of royal blood, he gets a legal permission by the park's management to live in a trailer.
After the Return of the New Generation Madness began, Takuru became intent on researching the subject. On the day of the Revolving Dead murder he along with Serika, Nono, and Itou went to the love hotel where the incident took place to investigate. Takuru and Serika snuck into the hotel and made their way to the crime scene. While the door of the room was initially locked, it somehow unlocked a few moments later. Upon entering, Takuru and Serika witnessed the dead body along with a knocked out police office and Hinae Arimura. The two recorded footage of the room and upon analyzing it later, noticed the presence of a Sumo Sticker.
The Sumo Sticker observation lead Takuru to consider that there could be stickers at the other crime scenes as well, a hunch that turned out to be correct. The newspaper club made a video over this discovery which gained a lot of attention online. Even more publicity came from a famous reporter, Tomoaki Watabe, reporting on the same thing very soon after. That lead to people online believing Watabe plagiarized the newspaper club.
Nono was against the club's investigation of the New Generation Madness but Takuru refused to listen to her. As part of the club's next initiative, Takuru hung a hidden camera near a wall covered in Sumo Stickers anticipating that it would be a likely spot for the next crime to take place. However, upon hearing about the camera, Nono went to take it down and was stabbed. As a result of Takuru's reckless actions the school decided to place the newspaper club on hiatus. But soon after, Tomoaki Watabe requested an interview with the newspaper club and knowing his reputation, the school allowed the club to take part.
Before the school festival, where the interview was scheduled occur, the newspaper club was forced to take a break from their investigation into the Return of the New Generation Madness. Takuru felt guilt over getting Kurusu injured and offered to help with preparation for the school festival in her place.
On the scheduled time for the interview, Watabe was late to appear on stage. A while later, he showed up stuffed full of Sumo Stickers and died on stage as the fourth of the Return of the New Generation Madness murders.
Later on, Takuru investigated the AH General Hospital along with Serika and Itou. Inside they ran into Mio Kunosato who joined them on their search. Underneath the hospital they found a research facility with evidence showing that the facility was a front for the Committee of 300 and their Gigalomaniac experiments. Also in the facility, the group found Uki Yamazoe and brought her to stay at Aoba dorm.
Later, Kunosato explained the concept of gigalomaniacs to Takuru and brought up the possibility that he could be one with the power of psychokinesis. After learning that he may be a gigalomaniac, Takuru began practicing lifting objects with his mind. He didn't see much progress initially but after a lot of practice began to be able to raise small items.

Takuru's Di-Sword[2].
One night after Takuru left his RV to go speak to Kurusu, he started to feel strange. Then he began to notice Sumo Stickers all around him and panicked. Takuru ran through the streets trying to escape the Sumo Stickers and eventually ran into Hinae who was experiencing the same thing. Shortly after, Riko Haida appeared and attacked the two of them. During this encounter Takuru managed to summon his Di-Sword for the first time and he and Hinae were able to escape.
After this incident Takuru became paranoid of being hunted down by Riko Haida. On the night of the next New Generation Incident he and his friends took precautions by sticking together as a group at Café LAX. On that night Takuru suffered a delusion of being pursued by Haida. But that ended up being his imagination and the group survived the night unscathed.
The next day there was no news of a killing and the public began to believe the Return of the New Generation Madness was over. Despite this, Takuru remained cautious due to the killer still not being found and his worry that the killings could only be taking a hiatus. He felt it was too early to say it was all over. A little later Takuru discovered that Yui was also a gigalomaniac. This revelation filled Takuru with an even stronger determination to protect his family.
However, Takuru's uncertainties went away when it was soon discovered by the police that Riko Haida had been murdered on the previous date for the New Generation Madness. Believing that the killer was dead Takuru starting feeling relief and the group began to ease up. But Takuru still harbored a slight worry that the murders were committed by multiple people. Nevertheless, he took down his crime board considering the case finished.
On October 27, the night before the date of the next of the original New Generation murders, Takuru received a call from Itou telling him to check @channel. Information from the police had leaked to the public and Riko Haida's information became known (though she was believed to be Senri Minamisawa at the time). Kurusu's friendship to Senri was also exposed leading to her being trashed online and Aoba dorm being harassed by reporters. Takuru became enraged by this and hurried to Aoba dorm.
After briefly consoling Kurusu, Takuru received a call from Shinjo who alerted Takuru to the fact that the person who died was in fact Riko Haida and not Senri Minamisawa like what was previously assumed. Due to this news it became clear to Takuru that another psychic must have been the one responsible for the killings and that the Return of the New Generation Madness was still ongoing. Takuru hurried downstairs to tell the others but then noticed that Yui wasn't there. When Takuru called Itou to see if he knew where she was he talked about cutting her with a knife he bought. Takuru ran outside to find Itou and discovered him standing next to several boxes containing Yui's detached limbs laid out in the form of a human figure. Takuru held down Itou while trying not to cry and kept him there until others eventually arrived.
Four days later Takuru and Kurusu attended Yui's funeral. In the wake of her passing Takuru had moved back to Aoba dorm in order to help both himse lf and his family members get through the tragedy. Takuru became filled with a strong desire to find the person responsible for Yui's death and seek revenge. He didn't attribute the responsibility to Itou due to signs that he was being brainwashed.

What Takuru saw when he arrived at the school roof.
Once again Kurusu pleaded with Takuru to set aside the case but he still kept going and she too carried out her own investigations. On a later date Takuru noticed that Kurusu had been watching a video of the first of the murders and realized that she found a clue. After examining the recording he was horrified to discover that the noise made by Serika's Gero Froggy keychain was present in the video. Takuru then rushed to the school roof to find Serika standing over Kurusu's dead body.
Following Kurusu's death Takuru became the main suspect for the murders and a warrant was issued for his arrest. In order to evade authorities Takuru was allowed to stay at Freesia. Takuru went to Serika's house in order to seek out answers and he finds more decisive evidence that she was the person responsible. Then Shinjo arrived and gave Takuru a farewell letter from Kurusu where she urged him to stop investigating and to live a normal life.
Back at Freesia Kunosato brought up Serika's lack of records prior to the earthquake and helped Takuru to realize that he created her using his powers. Soon after their conversation Serika arrived at Freesia and revealed that Takuru's foster father (Wataru Sakuma) works for the Committee of 300. She explained further that Sakuma was the behind the Return of New Generation murders and that she helped him in exchange for keeping Takuru alive. Furthermore, Sakuma put out a fake message stating Takuru would take his own life at the upcoming Shibuya Restoration Festival. This was planned in order to have Takuru end up taking the blame for the Return of the New Generation Madness. Following this turn of events Serika formed somewhat of an alliance with Takuru and his group and gave them information over the Committee. Then Serika left to fight Sakuma at the Hikariwo. But due to her words seeming "too true" to Hinae and the fact that she entrusted Takuru to Kunosato despite claiming she prioritized his safety, Takuru began to have doubt over whether or not she was completely honest about her motives.
Becoming more and more distrustful of Serika's words, Takuru went to the Hikariwo to seek the full truth from her. At the Hikariwo Takuru encountered Sakuma who used a delusion generating device to attack. Takuru was made to fight a delusion of Serika which he then killed and he became disgusted by his actions. Then he discovered that Sakuma was his real opponent. Soon after, Sakuma put Takuru in a delusion where he was forced to keep watching Serika kill Kurusu over and over. This delusion made Takuru feel guilt and he closed off his mind in response. Seeing this, Sakuma put Takuru into another delusion where all his senses were removed. This lasted for a long time (within delusion) until eventually a delusion of Serika manifested in Takuru's mind. This version of Serika helped Takuru to sort out his predicament and come to a clearer understanding of his situation. It was then that Takura realized the true purpose behind Serika: to make himself appear to be a rightsider. The whole time her motive was to create special situations (the murders) and to play the role of a damsel in distress in order for Takuru to play the role of a hero. After coming to terms with his actions Takuru apologized to Serika and broke out of Sakuma's delusion. Then Takuru continued his fight against Sakuma and used his Di-Sword to kill them.
In order to atone for his sins, Takuru used up the rest of his gigalomaniac powers to turn Serika into a normal girl with her own will and no memory of her past actions. Then he turned himself in to the police and went into custody.
In the Silent Sky ending it is revealed that Takuru had been suffering from Chaos Child Syndrome which gave him a wrinkled face and the inability to know about his true condition. However, after the events that occurred at Hikariwo he became cured. Since Takuru was the only known case of a person being cured of Chaos Child Syndrome at that point, for a period of time he was allowed to assist in Kunosato's research in order to seek out a cure for others. Necessary information for the cure was hidden away by Shuichi Wakui, a member of the Committee of 300 who had previously been assisting in the research.
Takuru and Kunosato were finally able to get a lead when Serika Onoe, who was now a normal girl, returned to Shibuya looking for answers over her lost memories. While Takuru initially didn't want Serika involved he eventually relented and allowed her to help. Serika was able to guide the team to a secret facility inside the school and there they were able to construct a special Rorschach capable of curing Chaos Child Syndrome patients. In order to ensure the Rorschach would be seen by all of them around the same time, it was decided that it would be placed in a confession video that Takuru would make. Before the video could be made Shuichi Wakui arrived to the facility and threatened the team with his gigalomaniac powers. In this meeting he explained to all of them how he planned to study Takuru's abilities as a strong true gigalomaniac and talked about his idea of manipulating the public into blindly following orders as long as there is a scapegoat for them to rally against (in this case, Takuru and the New Gen murders). In order to convince Wakui to let them go ahead with their plans Takuru promised to him that if he ever regains his gigalomaniac powers while in prison he will willingly allow the committee to study him. Wakui accepted this deal and left. Then Takuru made his confession video and used it to cure the Chaos Child Syndrome patients.

Takuru passing Serika on his way to prison.
Eight months later Takuru was officially sent to prison. On his way out of the hospital he passed Serika and they both acted as if they didn't know the other.
- "Anybody from these groups is a wrong-sider. The right answer would be to describe the experiment, and then say, 'It was a thought experiment proposed by Schrödinger to criticize the quantum mechanical theory that state collapse only occurs after human observation.' But barely anyone can do that. And I'd imagine that I'm the only guy who's still in high school who knows that Schrödinger got the idea after exchanging letters with Einstein. I hate wrong-siders." — Takuru monologuing in Chapter 1.
- "At first, we were pursuing the case because we were interested in it. But now... it feels like the case is pursuing us." — Takuru to Nono in Chapter 4.
- "- And so I won this goddamn game."
- "It's all a goddamn stupid game."
- "A man... can't spend his life clinging to the girl he loves." — in Silent Sky
- "To obtain the rarest of information you seek more and more, until it takes control of your being. Up to this point - I was a monster, born out of information. In the end however, I finally realized that such an act was truly foolish. Well, I was made to realize. By her." — Takuru to Shinji Itou in the Chaos;Child Drama CD Far Too Late - Slumbering Fools.[3]
- The name Takuru means "expand, open, support" (拓) (taku) and "detain, fasten, halt, stop" (留) (ru).
- Takuru's surname Miyashiro means "temple, shrine, palace" (宮) (miya) and "castle" (代) (shiro).
- Takuru shares the first four letters of his name with Takumi Nishijou, the protagonist of Chaos;Head. Furthermore, they are both true gigalomaniacs and their situations are the reverse of each other (Takumi was created as a delusional existence while Takuru created a delusional existence).
- Takuru's love of Mountain View, a knockoff version of Mountain Dew, could be a reference to the Steins;Gate drama CD Hyde of the Dark Dimension where the evil gamma worldline version of Rintaro Okabe was said to have constantly drunk Mountain Dew.
- ↑ Chapter 10
- ↑ Chapter 06
- ↑ <nowiki>https://youtu.be/8H76hIgLh1A
- ↑ @kagakuadv: Takuru's birthday's tweet on Twitter (2023)
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Main Characters | Takuru Miyashiro • Serika Onoe • Nono • Hinae Arimura • Hana Kazuki • Shinji Itou • Uki Yamazoe • Mio Kunosato • Takumi Nishijou (Online, mentioned and appears in the Anime) | |
Supporting Characters | Nono Kurusu • Takeshi Shinjo • Katsuko Momose • Yuto Tachibana • Wataru Sakuma • Shuuichi Wakui • Masashi Kawahara • Gen | |
New Generations Victims | Yuuma Ootani • Momone Takayanagi • Hironori Kakita • Tomoaki Watabe • Riko Haida • Yui Tachibana • Senri Minamisawa (As Nono) | |
~Children's Collapse~ | Kurisu Makise • Claire Coleman • Alan Coleman • Beth | |
Blood Tune | Erin • Seira Orgel • Sedna Février |