Chaos;Child Wiki

AH Tokyo General Hospital is a general hospital owned by N.O.Z.O.M.I. located in the Shibuya district of Tokyo. The hospital is mainly used a guise to a secret underground facility, associated with The Committee, whose main purpose is conducting illegal experiments on human patients with the goal of awakening them to gigalomaniac powers. AH Tokyo General Hospital is to not be confused with another facility called Ark Heart Medical Group which is a psychiatric hospital.


AH Tokyo General Hospital is first mentioned in Chaos;Head where Nishijou Takumi used to go for psychological evaluations. In Chaos;Head, Ami (translated as Amy in C;C's official translation) is a popular urban legend who is said to be seen wandering while also disappearing around the hospital. The urban legend was one of the urban legend's that Takuru in his childhood went to explore with Serika. After sneaking into the hospital basement, it was where for the first time Takuru saw a young girl being experimented with. After the events of Chaos;Head, the basement was kept under watch by Shuuichi Wakui while many of the experiment's equipment and mentally-ill patients were left abandoned. Uki Yamazoe took care of all the patients for years before being taken into the care of Freesia and Aoba Dorm.

Several game images in Chaos;Child shows that Genichi Norose is a "attending doctor" to some of the gigalomaniac patients. In Chaos;Child Love Chu Chu!!, it was mentioned that some of the files and images from the computer in the basement were from Wataru Sakuma, which includes information of his artificial gigalomaniac device.


AH Tokyo General Hospital in ChäoS;HEAd wiki


Events Return of the New Generation MadnessShibuya Earthquake
Terminologies Committee of 300Chaos Child SyndromeSumo StickersGigalomaniacDI-SwordMind-controlledRight/Wrong-Sider
Locations Newspaper ClubHekiho AcademyAH Tokyo General HospitalAoba DormFreesiaMiyashita ParkLove HotelCafé LAXColeman Institute
Miscellaneous Shibuya News's net radio@ChannelNiconiyaESO2Cool Cats Press